Fiche - Jurisprudence CMR

Numéro de la fiche : 42806

Pays : France

Thèmes : CMR (Transport routier international)
    Responsabilité du transporteur Cas d'exonération (art. 17 et 18) Circonstances que le transporteur ne pouvait éviter (art. 17§2)

CMR (Transport routier international)
    Responsabilité du transporteur Cas d'exonération (art. 17 et 18) Défectuosité de l'emballage (art. 17§4-b)

Date de la décision : 06/04/2017

Objet :
Transport of frozen aromatic plants from Italy to France - Refusal of the goods - Non-compliant temperature - Liability of the carrier (yes) - Exemption (no) - Article 17.2 of the CMR - Fault of the entitled party - Absence of reserve at pick-up - Loading of the goods at a temperature that is too hot - Proof not provided - Defective packaging - Article 17.4 c of the CMR

Sommaire :
In the absence of reservations to the assumption of responsibility, the carrier must demonstrate the fault of the entitled party resulting from loading the goods at too high a temperature on the one hand, and the defectiveness of the packaging on the other hand. somewhere else. In the absence of proof, he is entirely responsible for the damage.

Référence :
Cour d'appel de Lyon,
6 avril 2017,
RG n°16/02005
Sté Transwhite / DPO et a.

BTL 2017, n° 3641, p. 262

Observation :

Auteur :