Fiche - Jurisprudence CMR

Numéro de la fiche : 42586

Pays : France

Thèmes : CMR (Transport routier international) Responsabilité du transporteur Dol ou faute équivalente (art. 29)

CMR (Transport routier international)
    Responsabilité du transporteur Cas d'exonération (art. 17 et 18) Circonstances que le transporteur ne pouvait éviter (art. 17§2)

Date de la décision : 07/03/2019

Objet :
Transport of precious metals between Switzerland (Geneva) and France (Paris) - Theft of goods - Theft with trickery - Liability of the carrier

1) Liability for theft n ° 1 (no) - Exemption (yes) - Article 17-2 of the CMR - Unavoidable circumstances - Violence - Surprise effect

2) Liability for flight 2 (yes) - Quick time after the first flight - Set of negligence, recklessness and mistakes - Sufficient time to review internal procedures - Improvement of transport safety conditions (no)

3) Limitation of liability (yes) - Article 29-1 of the CMR - Fault equivalent to fraud (no) - Lack of safety measures - Staff not trained in safety rules - Extreme negligence bordering on fraud (no )

Sommaire :
1) A carrier who has been unable to avoid his aggression due to his violence and its surprise effect on his driver and passenger (who have been tied up) is exonerated from his responsibility in application of article 17-2 of the CMR

2) The carrier who has not drawn any consequences from the terms of the first incident to improve the safety conditions of transport cannot be exonerated from his liability.

3) The fact that the transporter did not reinforce the safety measures, in particular by employing personnel not trained in safety rules and of having allowed the vehicle to have stopped twice to refuel on a journey of less than 600 km does not constitute negligence of extreme gravity bordering on fraud and denoting the inability of the carrier to accomplish its mission.

Référence :
Cour d'appel de Paris
7 mars 2019
RG n°18/02878
IDIT n°24833

Bulletin des transports et de la logistique n°3724 du 11 févier 2019 p.75

Observation :

Auteur :