Fiche - Jurisprudence CMR

Numéro de la fiche : 42418

Pays : Autriche

Thèmes : CMR (Transport routier international) Prescription (art. 32) Dol ou faute équlivalente - Délai de 3 ans (art. 32§1)

CMR (Transport routier international) Responsabilité du transporteur Dol ou faute équivalente (art. 29)

Date de la décision : 30/01/2019

Objet :
CMR art. 29 & 32 - Gross negligence assimilated to wilful misconduct - Non distinction between intentional et unconscious negligence

Sommaire :
Gross negligence leans the fault determined in accordance withe articles 29 & 32 CMR, wich under the law of the court seized is equivalent ton intent. Not only intentional gross negligence can be assimilated ton intentional negligence, as the distinction between intentional ans unconscious nnegligence in Austrian compensation law does not generally have an independent meaning.

Référence :
January 30, 2019
7 Ob 184 / 18m

European Transport Law n ° 4 2020 p.441

Observation :

Auteur :