Fiche - Jurisprudence CMR

Numéro de la fiche : 42240

Pays : Autriche

Thèmes : CMR (Transport routier international) Responsabilité du transporteur Partage de responsabilité (art. 17§5)

CMR (Transport routier international)
    Responsabilité du transporteur Limitation de responsabilité du transporteur (art. 23) Avarie - Limitation de l'indemnité (art. 25)

CMR (Transport routier international)
    Responsabilité du transporteur Limitation de responsabilité du transporteur (art. 23) Calcul (art. 23)

Date de la décision : 31/10/2018

Objet :
Article 17 paragraph 5 and article 23 paragraph 3 of the CMR - Joint responsibility of the applicant - Sharing of responsibility - No sharing of the liability ceiling

Sommaire :
In case of joint responsibility of the applicant, the sharing of responsibility in accordance with art. 17 para. 5 of the CMR does not entail the sharing of the limitation ceiling. It is rather a question, after having noted the damage and after having calculated the total or partial loss under the empire of article 23 para. 1 and 2 of the CMR, or damage under the empire of articles 25 and 23 al. 1 and 2 of the CMR, to calculate the share of responsibility of the carrier on the basis of the damage thus evaluated. It is only afterwards that it has to be checked whether the part of the carrier's liability thus calculated for loss and damage exceeds the liability ceilings of Articles 23 para. 3 and 25 para. 2 of the CMR.

Référence :
Oberster Gerichtshof Osterereich
October 31, 2018
7 ob 132 / 18i

IDIT n °24922
European Transport Law vol 2-2019 p.218

Observation :

Auteur :