Fiche - Jurisprudence CMR

Numéro de la fiche : 41857

Pays : France

Thèmes : CMR (Transport routier international) Droit de l'expéditeur de disposer de la marchandise (art. 12)

CMR (Transport routier international) Responsabilité du transporteur Dol ou faute équivalente (art. 29)

Date de la décision : 17/07/2018

Objet :
CMR - International transport France / Belgium - Place designated for delivery of goods in Germany - Good are shipped in Italy - Any modification on the consignment note - Lack of agreement from consignor and consignee - Delivery to third party - Gross negligence - Application of article L 133-8 Commercial code

Sommaire :
In this case, a carrier who transports the goods in Italy (parcels of fruit and vegetables) to a third party whereas it had to be delivered in Germany. He did not mention the change on the consignment note, nor notify the shipper and the consignee beforehand.
He assumes his full responsibility by committing gross negligence in application of Article L133-8 of the Commercial Code.

Référence :
Cour d'appel Montpellier, 2e ch., 17 juillet 2018, n°16/02768
Euromed Logistica Trasporti c/ X
BTL n°3701, 30 juillet 2018, P.459

Observation :
Previous judgment : Tribunal de commerce Perpignan, 13 octobre 2015

Auteur :